Tennis4Life: Injuries in Female Athletes

Female athletes are continually pushing boundaries, achieving new milestones, and redefining what it means to excel in their respective fields. However, among the triumphs and celebrations, there lies a less discussed but crucial aspect of their journey – injuries in female athletes.

What injuries are female athletes more likely to sustain?

Risk of different injuries is affected by athletes age and chosen sport. On the whole, females are at higher risk of the following.

Bone stress fractures

Twice as likely in females compared to males. Stress fractures are particularly prevalent among running athletes as well as females with low BMI, late menarche and low bone mineral density. Prevention strategies should start early in sport participation and should include appropriate nutrition (particularly calcium and vitamin D) and management of the Triad/RED-S (see below), alongside technique training and appropriate scheduling of exercise to alleviate stress on the affected bone.

ACL injuries

Females have 1.5-2 times high risk than males. ACL injuries are more prevalent in sports with pivoting and landing, such as soccer and gymnastics. Biomechanical differences in knee anatomy and forces across the ACL, particularly when landing, increase the risk. Prevention strategies include neuromuscular and technique training to optimise control in landing and cutting movements. Adolescents who focus on one sport, should consider diversifying training across multiple sports for better overall motor and athletic development.


Females have a 0.5-2.5% higher likelihood of concussion, particularly in collision and contact sports. It’s theorised that females have increased risk due to smaller neck size and less strength compared to head size, reducing the ability to absorb forces compared to male athletes. Prevention should focus on enhancing neck strength, stiffness and neuromuscular control to better absorb external. As well as include balance, resistance, plyometrics and controlled landing training.

Patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS)

Females are twice as likely to suffer PFPS due to the biomechanical differences including a wider pelvises and increased quadriceps angles, which alter the pull of the patella over the knee. Prevention and management focus on quadriceps strength training, particularly the VMO and limiting valgus forces across the knees.

Why are females more likely to suffer these injuries?

A combination of factors contributes to and may exacerbate injury risk in female athletes. The main factors thought to increase injuries in female athletes include;

  • Training schedule:A training intensity, frequency or duration far exceeding an athlete’s capacity increases injury risk, particularly when there are inadequate recovery strategies in place.
  • Biomechanical imbalances: Depending on the sport, both female and male athletes suffer increased injury risk when biomechanical imbalances develop and are not addressed in a timely manner.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: During the menstrual cycle ligament laxity and neuromuscular control fluctuate, influencing injury susceptibility.
  • The female athlete triad is the relationship between low energy availability (with or without disordered eating), menstrual dysfunction and decreased bone mineral density. The Triad increases injury risk and female athletes health overall.
  • Relative Energy Deficiency of Sport (RED-S) expands on the concept of the Triad. RED-S is the inadequate energy intake to meet the demands of sport, contributing to decreased bone mineral density and increased injury risk.

Preventive Measures and Rehabilitation Strategies

Addressing each athletes’ unique needs requires a multifaceted approach encompassing preventive measures and targeted rehabilitation strategies. Tailored programs incorporating progressive loading, balance, agility, proprioception, plyometric exercises, and sport-specific drills aid in restoring function, optimizing recovery, and minimizing the likelihood of recurrent injuries. Importantly, integrating comprehensive injury screening protocols into pre-participation assessments enables early identification of risk factors and facilitates personalised intervention strategies. This is particularly important for prevention and management of the Triad and RED-S.

Many of the factors that increase injury risk in female athletes are modifiable. With appropriate recognition you can manage these factors with planned and considered training, effectively reducing your injury risk, injuries and time away from sport.

Source: Trident

Tennis4Life: Rehabbing Your Rotator

Rehabbing a shoulder rotator cuff injury requires a structured approach that includes rest, targeted exercises, and gradual reintroduction to activity. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you through the process:

Click here for our Rotator Cuff Rehabbing Page in our Tennis4Life series.

Tennis4Life: Rehabbing Your Piriformus

Latest addition to our Tennis4Life series is how to rehab a piriformus injury. I’ve had the misfortune to injury this muscle several times mostly through overplaying.

The piriformis is a small, pear-shaped muscle located deep in the buttock region, behind the gluteus maximus. It originates from the sacrum (the base of the spine) and extends to the upper surface of the femur (thigh bone). The piriformis muscle plays several important key roles in maintaining balance and coordination for tennis.

Understanding the function and location of the piriformis muscle is crucial for diagnosing and treating related issues, especially for athletes and individuals who engage in activities that heavily involve hip movement and stability.

Click here for our Piriformus Rehab page.

Training Plan Revamp

Nathan Cleary, known for his intense training regimen, faces a crucial shift due to recurring hamstring injuries, a scenario that offers valuable lessons for tennis training. Cleary’s unmatched dedication, exemplified by kicking the ball around 300,000 times over 12 years, mirrors the rigorous physical preparation required in tennis. However, his experience highlights the risk of overtraining and the need for a balanced approach.

Cleary’s injuries this year have forced him to reconsider his training, emphasizing the importance of mental preparation in conjunction with physical workouts. This shift is particularly relevant for tennis players who often prioritize physical drills at the expense of mental training. Techniques like visualization and mental rehearsal, which Cleary plans to focus on more, can enhance performance without the physical strain that can lead to injuries.

For tennis players, Cleary’s situation underscores the significance of balancing intense physical drills with mental strategies. Incorporating visualization, mental rehearsal, and mindfulness can improve game performance while reducing the risk of overuse injuries. This holistic approach can be particularly beneficial during recovery periods, allowing players to stay mentally sharp while their bodies heal.

Cleary’s plan to consult specialists and visit renowned clinics to understand his biomechanics is another critical takeaway. Tennis players can benefit from regular consultations with sports medicine professionals to fine-tune their training regimens and prevent injuries. Understanding individual biomechanics can lead to personalized training programs that optimize performance and reduce injury risk.

Ultimately, Cleary’s experience serves as a reminder of the importance of a balanced training approach. By integrating mental strategies, consulting with specialists, and understanding personal biomechanics, tennis players can enhance their performance and longevity in the sport. This period of reflection and adjustment can turn setbacks into opportunities for growth and improvement, ensuring a more sustainable and successful tennis career.

Enhancing Performance: A Holistic Approach to Training and Injury Prevention

In tennis, it’s vital for players to have a comprehensive approach to physical wellness that goes beyond standard practices.

Tennis players should also consider integrating activities like yoga, Pilates, weight training and regular massage therapy into their regimen. These practices can enhance flexibility, improve muscle recovery, and help maintain peak physical condition, which is crucial in a sport that demands both explosive movements and endurance.

Moreover, tennis players often face a variety of soft tissue injuries, which can be attributed to several factors. Over training, frequent and long matches, and inadequate recovery time are common issues.

Additionally, the type of footwear and playing surfaces can also influence injury rates. Modern tennis shoes are designed to be lighter, affecting traction and stability, while the varying types of court surfaces—from clay to grass to hardcourt—offer different levels of grip and impact on the body.

To prevent injuries and enhance performance, it’s essential for players to continually reassess their training methods and schedules. This might include adjusting the intensity and frequency of practice sessions, adopting new footwear specifically suited to different court surfaces, and allowing for more substantial recovery periods.

Adopting a holistic approach to training and recovery, even if it requires deviating from traditional or instinctual methods, results in enhanced durability and increased effectiveness on the court, particularly as players grow older.

Progressive Overload: A Timeless Strategy for Strength Training

The concept of progressive overload remains fundamental in modern strength training, a method historically exemplified by the Greek wrestler Milo of Croton.

This technique involves gradually increasing the intensity of your workout, whether through added weight, more repetitions, or more challenging exercises. Dr. Bryan Mann of Texas A&M University underscores that regardless of age or fitness level, this principle is essential for physical improvement, particularly in developing cardiovascular health, blood pressure regulation, and bone density.

Progressive overload isn’t confined to lifting heavier weights; it can also involve substituting exercises with more difficult variations, like replacing squats with lunges, or increasing the speed of execution. Consistency in challenging the muscles leads to their growth through repair of microscopic tears in the fibers. Even without weights, strength can be built through imaginative routines, using basic equipment or bodyweight exercises.

Strength coach Elizabeth Wipff points out the feasibility of getting stronger using minimal equipment, demonstrating exercises that gradually increase in difficulty. Dr. Mann advises those already engaged in a routine to simply modify their existing practices by adding weight or switching up exercises to prevent hitting a plateau. This approach not only fosters muscle development but also adapts to daily energy levels, allowing adjustments based on how one feels, ensuring sustainable progress over time.

Source: NYTimes

Potassium: Key Recovery Element

Potassium is a vital mineral and electrolyte that plays a crucial role in numerous bodily functions.

It is key to maintaining proper nerve function, muscle contraction, and heart function. Potassium also plays a significant role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance within the body.

Here’s an expanded discussion on the importance of potassium, its functions, and implications of its imbalance:

Functions of Potassium

1. Nerve Function: Potassium ions are essential for the transmission of nerve signals throughout the nervous system. These signals are crucial for various activities, from simple reflexes to complex motor movements and brain functions.

2. Muscle Contraction: Potassium aids in muscle contraction, making it indispensable for normal muscle function, including the heartbeat. Proper levels of potassium ensure smooth and coordinated muscle movements.

3. Heart Function: It helps regulate the heartbeat. Adequate potassium levels ensure that the heart beats regularly and efficiently, pumping blood throughout the body.

4. Fluid Balance: As an electrolyte, potassium plays a significant role in maintaining the body’s fluid balance. It helps regulate the balance of fluids inside and outside of cells, which is vital for normal cellular function.

5. Electrolyte Balance: Alongside sodium, chloride, calcium, and magnesium, potassium contributes to the body’s overall electrolyte balance, crucial for sustaining life.

Implications of Potassium Imbalance

1. Hypokalemia (Low Potassium): Symptoms can include weakness, fatigue, muscle cramps, muscle aches, and irregular heart rhythms. Severe hypokalemia can be life-threatening, affecting the heart’s ability to function properly.

2. Hyperkalemia (High Potassium): This condition can lead to dangerous heart rhythms, including heart block and ventricular fibrillation. Symptoms might be mild and nonspecific but can include palpitations, muscle pain, muscle weakness, or numbness.

Managing Potassium Levels

– Diet: Consuming a balanced diet that includes potassium-rich foods such as bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and beans can help maintain normal potassium levels.
– Supplements: In cases of deficiency or for certain health conditions, supplements or medications may be prescribed to adjust potassium levels.
– Monitoring: For individuals with kidney issues or those taking medications that affect potassium levels, regular monitoring of potassium levels is crucial to prevent imbalance.

The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for potassium varies based on age, sex, and life stage.

– Adolescents and Adults:
– Males and Females 9-13 years: 2,500 mg/day
– Males and Females 14-18 years: 3,000 mg/day for females and 3,400 mg/day for males
– Adults 19 years and older: 2,600 mg/day for females and 3,400 mg/day for males

These values are set to meet the needs of nearly all (97%-98%) healthy individuals in each group. It’s important to note that most people should be able to meet these requirements through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, as potassium is widely available in many foods. Foods high in potassium include bananas, oranges, potatoes, spinach, and beans, among others.

In summary, potassium is an essential electrolyte that supports various critical bodily functions, from nerve transmission and muscle contraction to heart rhythm regulation and fluid balance. Maintaining optimal potassium levels is vital for health, and understanding the implications of potassium imbalance is crucial for effective management and prevention of associated health issues.

Source: Fluids and Electrolytes: A Thorough Guide covering Fluids, Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance of the Human Body by Mastenbjörk M.D., M., and Meloni M.D., S.



Overcoming Mental Blocks in Exercise

Reframing Excuses as Obstacles

  • Challenge Perceptions: Stop viewing reasons for not exercising as “excuses”. This mindset may induce guilt or self-criticism.
  • Expert Insight: Katy Milkman, behavioral scientist, emphasizes the importance of treating these reasons as genuine obstacles.
  • Strategy Development: Instead of solely focusing on goals, devise specific plans and strategies to overcome these hurdles.

Conquering Common Exercise Barriers

  1. Limited Time
    • Expert Advice: Kate Baird suggests starting with short bursts of activity.
    • Practical Tips: Integrate movement into daily tasks, like walking during lunch or doing squats between meetings.
    • Goal: Aim for 150 minutes of aerobic activity and strength training weekly.
  2. Feeling Self-Conscious
    • Expert Advice: Kelly Roberts recommends finding comfort in exercise through various means.
    • Solutions: Exercise at home, seek supportive communities, or find more welcoming fitness spaces.
  3. Financial Concerns
    • Expert Insight: Grayson Wickham highlights the effectiveness of bodyweight exercises and free workout resources.
    • Activities: Incorporate planks, push-ups, and stretching into routines without financial burden.
  4. Weather Constraints
    • Expert Perspective: Dr. Edward Phillips suggests adapting to weather changes by varying exercise routines.
    • Opportunities: Use different seasons to explore new activities or focus on different aspects of fitness.
  5. Limited Space
    • Expert Opinion: Even a small space like that for a yoga mat is sufficient for a variety of exercises.
    • Alternatives: Use resistance bands, jump ropes, or consider outdoor spaces as potential workout areas.
  6. Physical Pain
    • Medical Advice: Consult experts for safe exercise methods if experiencing chronic pain.
    • Benefits: Physical activity can often help manage and reduce chronic pain symptoms.
  7. Persistent Fatigue
    • Adaptation Strategies: Identify personal energy peaks for exercise and start with short, mood-boosting activities.
    • Focus: Choose less intense forms of exercise and prioritize adequate sleep.
  8. Lack of Enjoyment
    • Finding Joy in Movement: Explore different forms of physical activity that bring personal joy.
    • Motivation Technique: Use “temptation bundling” by pairing exercise with enjoyable activities like listening to podcasts.

Conclusion: By identifying personal barriers and implementing expert-recommended strategies, individuals can effectively integrate exercise into their lifestyles, overcoming mental blocks and enhancing overall wellbeing.


Heat and humidity have a significant impact on elite athletes, particularly tennis players at tournaments like the Australian Open. Key points include:
1. **Heat as an Invisible Adversary**: Elite tennis players, despite their fitness, are highly susceptible to the challenges posed by heat, especially in tournaments like the Australian Open and US Open. These conditions test their endurance and physical limits.
2. **Impact on the Human Body**: Exposure to high temperatures and solar radiation increases skin temperature and core body temperature. This leads to increased heart rates and a feeling of intense heat, even without physical exertion.
3. **Body’s Response Mechanisms**: The human body attempts to regulate its temperature through increased blood flow and sweating. In high temperatures, blood flow to the skin can increase significantly to dissipate heat, and sweat evaporation becomes a critical cooling mechanism.
4. **Challenges of Humidity**: High humidity can severely reduce the body’s ability to cool itself through sweat evaporation, leading to increased risks of overheating and heatstroke.
5. **Effects on Athletic Performance**: Heat stress can lead to reductions in athletic performance, including decreased endurance, slower running speeds, reduced VO2 max (maximum oxygen consumption), and increased muscle fatigue.
6. **Dehydration and Performance**: Heat and sweating can lead to dehydration, which further impairs performance by reducing blood volume and oxygen delivery to muscles.
7. **Rising Temperatures at the Australian Open**: There is evidence that temperatures have been rising at the Australian Open over the years, leading to more days of extreme heat and challenging conditions for players.
8. **Heat Management Policies**: The Australian Open employs a heat management policy that includes monitoring environmental factors and potentially halting play under extreme conditions.
9. **Heat Acclimation Training**: Athletes increasingly use heat acclimation training to adapt their bodies to high temperatures, improving their cooling mechanisms and overall performance in hot conditions.
10. **Sweat Testing for Personalized Hydration**: Some players undergo sweat testing to determine individual sweat rates and compositions, allowing them to create personalized hydration strategies to combat the effects of intense sweating.
11. **Risk of Overheating During Competition**: Even though players might be aware of their body’s struggle in the heat, the competitive nature of the sport can push them beyond safe limits, necessitating official intervention through heat policies.
Source: SMH 21Jan24


How To Keep Your Brain Sharp As You Age

Maintaining mental sharpness as you age involves various factors:

1. **Exercise:** Regular physical activity, especially aerobic exercises, promotes blood flow to the brain, reducing cognitive decline. Engage in activities like brisk walking, strength training, or sports for optimal brain health.

The American College of Sports Medicine say adults over 18 should try to get moderate-intensity aerobic activity (think brisk walking or doubles tennis) for a minimum of 150 minutes each week or vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (like soccer, basketball or singles tennis) for a minimum of 75 minutes a week. And then add in strength training (like lifting weights) twice a week.

2. **Cognitive Activity:** Stimulate your brain by reading, learning, and challenging yourself mentally. High cognitive activity later in life is linked to a significant reduction in dementia risk. Start these habits early for lasting benefits.

3. **Socialization:** Quality friendships and frequent social interactions contribute to better cognitive functioning. Combining exercise and mentally challenging activities with friends enhances overall brain health.

4. **Nutrition:** Adopt a Mediterranean-style diet rich in vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, fish, and olive oil. Moderation is key for items like eggs, dairy, and poultry, while reducing red meat, refined grains, and sweets.

5. **Sleep:** Prioritize 7-8 hours of consistent, quality sleep each night. Avoid excessive caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine, and maintain a regular sleep schedule. Sleep is crucial for clearing accumulated brain waste associated with Alzheimer’s risk.

6. **Holistic Approach:** A 2011 UCSF study suggests that avoiding diabetes, obesity, hypertension, smoking, depression, pursuing education, and engaging in exercise could prevent half of Alzheimer’s cases. Addressing mood changes is crucial, as mood can impact brain function and structure over time.

Remember, making small, consistent lifestyle changes—such as finding enjoyable forms of exercise, embracing cognitive challenges, fostering social connections, maintaining a balanced diet, prioritizing quality sleep, and considering holistic health—can collectively contribute to keeping your brain sharp as you age. And don’t forget to laugh—it’s a key ingredient in navigating the changes that come with aging.

Source: Voneta M. Dotson, neuropsychologist and professor of gerontology at Georgia State University. Her book is “Keep Your Wits About You: The Science of Brain Maintenance as You Age.”

The 7 Keys to Longevity

According to aging experts, while extreme measures like transfusing young blood may not significantly extend human lifespan, adopting simple behaviors can help people live healthier for longer, potentially reaching ages like 80, 90, or even 100 in good physical and mental condition. These practices include:

1. **Exercise Regularly:** Staying physically active is crucial, reducing the risk of premature death, maintaining heart health, and preventing chronic diseases. Even moderate exercise, like walking for 150 minutes per week, can be beneficial.

2. **Eat Healthily:** Experts recommend consuming more fruits and vegetables, reducing processed foods, and adopting dietary patterns like the Mediterranean diet, known for its heart and brain health benefits.

3. **Prioritize Sleep:** Quality sleep is essential for healthy aging, with a correlation between sleep duration and longevity. Seven to nine hours of sleep per night is generally recommended.

4. **Avoid Smoking and Excessive Drinking:** Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake are well-known practices for avoiding deadly diseases and promoting longevity.

5. **Manage Chronic Conditions:** Many adults have conditions like hypertension, high cholesterol, and pre-diabetes. Lifestyle changes, along with following doctor’s advice and medications, can help control and prevent these conditions.

6. **Nurture Relationships:** Psychological health is as important as physical health. Isolation and loneliness can have detrimental effects on health, so maintaining social connections is vital for both physical and mental well-being.

7. **Cultivate Positivity:** Positive thinking and optimism have been associated with a lower risk of heart disease and increased lifespan. Optimists tend to adopt healthier habits and have lower rates of chronic diseases.

While all these practices contribute to a longer, healthier life, prioritizing physical activity and maintaining a positive mindset are particularly highlighted as essential steps toward longevity. Ultimately, there’s no magic pill, but adopting these behaviors can lead to a longer and more fulfilling life.


What’s stopping us from exercising in older age?

Exercise in older age is high on the agenda, but the idea that with age comes bags of time and a desire to ‘get out there’ isn’t true for a lot of us.

How do you juggle exercise around caring for partners, grandchildren or staying in work?

What if you haven’t exercised for years? What can your body take, and how has it changed with age?

James Gallagher hears how octogenarian athlete ‘Irongran’ keeps going, he explores the mental and physical barriers that stop us exercising and he finds out what he might feel like in 40 years as he pulls on an ageing suit.

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